Recent disasters and the composite wood industry

Published: January 18, 2021

2020 was a turning point for the world. Not only did we have the shared experience of the pandemic, but we have, since then, been dealing with the various economic and social aftershocks caused by this mammoth event. More recently, war has broken out between Russia and Ukraine, and many places in the world have been experiencing devastating weather (including ravaging fires).

How do all of these factors affect the composite wood and construction industries?

Rise in Costs

Individuals and families have felt the squeeze lately! Fuel sky-rocketed as a result of the war, which meant that the transport of everything else shot up. This includes the price of food and daily supplies, as well as of construction materials like metal, wood and electrical supplies. Russia is a major exporter of many of these materials as well as of oil. So, the war has meant a major shortfall.

The pandemic also forced a number of businesses to close down or reduce their reach and production. So, this also had a very negative effect on the cost of available materials and the length of time it took to source them. While the peak of the pandemic was more than a year ago, the global economy and industries are still recovering.

The instability of the economy has made it difficult for businesses and suppliers to quote their clients very long in advance, as things have become too unpredictable to commit to a cost.

How Best Deck Tackles the Rising Costs

While we have also experienced all of these challenges, we have committed to maintaining an honest, loyal relationship with our clients. So, there are no nasty surprises. Our quotes are comprehensive, up-to-date, and inclusive of every element needed to complete your composite wood project.

We are confident that our prices are reasonable and competitive. And, considering the longevity of our products (backed by long-term guarantees), we assure our clients that working with Best Deck is a very wise investment that will save money in the long term.

Businesses Closed or Limited

Sadly, the last two-plus years have seen many businesses buckling under the weight of these global issues. As supplies and their transport became more and more expensive and limited, many companies simply couldn’t keep their doors open. This meant higher unemployment rates and less money going back into the economy.

Wildfires in various parts of the world (including the States and Australia) meant a major shortage of natural lumber for construction too, which also forced various companies and lumberyards to fold under the pressure.

Best Deck Survived

Thanks to our fair prices and outstanding quality, Best Deck managed to keep busy enough to survive. In fact, we’ve grown – now with offices and showrooms in Cape Town, Johannesburg and Durban; and a reach that extends into various countries on the African continent.

Over the last two years, we’ve done some incredible, large-scale projects as well as gorgeous private homes. We are so proud that we have not only survived, but we’ve thrived during a very challenging time.

Quality and Customer Service

In an attempt to keep prices down and ensure availability, some companies have opted to go for inferior (and cheaper) materials. All this means is that the customer inevitably has to spend a fortune either replacing the materials or trying to maintain and repair them further on down the line. This doesn’t inspire confidence and only exacerbates the financial crisis. In addition, it leads to unhappy customers and a compromised reputation for the business.

Best Deck is Different

We absolutely will not succumb to the trend towards lowering standards. Our products last. Their quality is unmatched, and we have never and will never compromise on that. So, our clients can be confident that their composite wood decking, cladding, pergolas, and more will last for decades to come with no maintenance or hidden costs.

The results speak for themselves. We have continued to be awarded massive projects (like Umhlanga Arch and Steyn City) and have maintained our excellent feedback and reputation.

How Best Deck Features in Your Future

Times are challenging and recovery is slow. It’s unlikely that costs will ever return to pre-pandemic times. So, where does that leave you?

Invest in Best Deck’s quality, eco-friendlier products that enjoy up to 25-year guarantees and require no maintenance. This is the wisest decision when you want to spend your hard-earned money on the best quality; now and for the long term.

Click here to check out our website, with the full range of our superior products (including our new indoor and outdoor composite flooring).

To chat to us directly about your needs, email [email protected] or find the contact details for your nearest Best Deck here.

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